Friday, October 19, 2012

Long Skinny Crossed Scarf - Tutorial

So here is yet another scarf. I had some trouble starting this out, as you can see from the notes, but I managed to figure something out that more or less seemed to work.

Yarn: Red Hook Fiesta (I think this is discontinued) - 1 skein
Hook size L

treble or triple crochet: yo 2x, insert in ch, yo, pull thru, yo draw thru 2 loops, yo draw thru 2 loops, yo draw thru 2 loops
Foundation: chain 18
Row 1: dc 3rd ch from hk (counts as first dc) and every ch across (16 dc's)

Row 2: ch 3, turn (counts as first dc), dc in every ch

Row 3: ch 3, turn (counts as first tc), *skip ch, tc, go back to skipped ch, tc (makes an 'x'), repeat from * 6 more times (should be 7 x's). On last chain, normal tc

Row 4 & 5: repeat row 2

Row 6: repeat row 3

Keep repeating rows until desired length

Last row: after two rows of dc's, ch 1, sc every ch across, tie off and weave in ends


I also tried to draw out a diagram for this scarf as well, as seen below. Not really the best, but it gives you kind of a visual as to how it looks.

 o = sc
T = dc
8/o & 8/0 = chain 3
| = normal tc
X = tc cross
-* = start
*- = end
 0 X  X  X  X  X  X  X |8
 8| X  X  X  X  X  X  X 0
 0 X  X  X  X  X  X  X |8
 8| X  X  X  X  X  X  X 0
 0 X  X  X  X  X  X  X |8
 8| X  X  X  X  X  X  X 0

If you have any questions or comments please let me know!  :)

Happy Crocheting!

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